Send Cloudflare Workers logs to Google Cloud Logging using Logpush

May 5, 2024

Cloudflare Workers are great, until they become a key part of your production system and you realize you donā€™t have any logs. šŸ˜…

Something didnā€™t work the way it should? Woops, sorry, canā€™t do much about that, I have no trace of what happened. šŸ¤·

Not ideal.

Note: sure thereā€™s the option to tail logs from the dashboard and the CLI, but it turns out most of the logs I need donā€™t get logged while Iā€™m watching. šŸ‘€

For a while, the alternative was to replace console.log statements by fetch requests to something that will actually persist logs. Fine, but still not ideal.

Thankfully they introduced Logpush for Workers back in 2022, which finally gave us a way to forward worker logs to a number of destinations, including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Datadog, Elasticsearch, BigQuery and more.

But none of those options was Google Cloud Logging. And I like to centralize my logs in Google Cloud Logging. Bummer.

Leveraging the HTTP destination

One of those options though is an arbitrary HTTP destination.

With that, I should be able to integrate any log backend I want.

What if I made a Cloudflare Worker to handle the logs of my other workers? That log drain worker probably shouldnā€™t drain logs to itself to avoid an infinite recursion, but I could fallback in one of the other integrations just for this one.

Configuring a Logpush handler

In order to use Cloudflare Logpush, you need to be under the Cloudflare Enterprise plan. However thereā€™s an exception for the Cloudflare Workers logs! Then all you need is the Workers Paid plan.

You can configure a log handler from your dashboard, in Analytics & Logs > Logs > Add Logpush job. Select Workers trace events as a dataset, select the fields you care about (more on that later), and configure your HTTP endpoint.

This UI looks like a recent addition! When I originally worked on this, Logpush was only configurable by using the Cloudflare HTTP API.

For the record, and because it gives you more control over the Logpush settings, hereā€™s how you would do this with the API.

First, you need an API token, which you can create from My Profile > API Tokens.

While the API docs often reference the usage of API keys with X-Auth-Email and X-Auth-Key headers, those API keys have complete permissions over your account, and I would recommend against using them if you have a better alternative.

The better alternative: API tokens, which lets you scope permissions. In our case, we want to create a custom token with permissions of Zone.Logs.Edit. That token can then be used in a Authorization: Bearer header.

Hereā€™s how you would list existing Logpush jobs:

curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

Where my-account-id is your account ID, that you can find for example in the Workers & Pages > Overview page on the right.

To create a job:

curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    --data '{
  "name": "test",
  "output_options": {
    "field_names": ["DispatchNamespace", "Entrypoint", "Event", "EventTimestampMs", "EventType", "Exceptions", "Logs", "Outcome", "ScriptName", "ScriptTags", "ScriptVersion"],
    "timestamp_format": "rfc3339"
  "destination_conf": "",
  "dataset": "workers_trace_events",
  "enabled": true

Where the API shines compared to the UI, is that you can configure a number of extra options like max_upload_bytes, max_upload_interval_seconds and max_upload_records, to make sure Logpush makes requests within acceptable limits for your endpoint.

In our case, the Logpush handler is also a Cloudflare worker so the max body size will be between 100 MB and 500 MB depending on your plan. But also, Cloudflare workers have a memory limit of 128 MB so thatā€™s something to take into account as well. Oh and keep in mind this memory limit is per-isolate meaning that multiple requests could hit the same isolate. So adjust accordingly, but I donā€™t have a silver bullet for this one. šŸ™ƒ

Note: in my experience, setting timestamp_format to rfc3339 doesnā€™t do anything? Iā€™m still only getting TimestampMs fields in milliseconds (which interestingly is neither a unix (seconds) nor unixnano (nanoseconds) timestamp, which are the other two possible options).

In order to update a job, youā€™ll need the id that was returned by the create request, or simply fetch it with the list request. Itā€™s gonna be like the create request but you append the log ID in the end, e.g. logpush/jobs/12345, itā€™s a PUT request, and all fields are optional.

To delete a job, same but itā€™s a DELETE request with no body.

The Logpush HTTP destination protocol

I didnā€™t find documentation about what the HTTP destination is supposed to accept, so hereā€™s what I figured out:


When you configure the HTTP destination, you get a chance to choose which of those fields are included. Youā€™ll get a different set of fields depending on the kind of dataset youā€™re dealing with, but in the scope of this article weā€™re focusing on worker logs.

For reference, hereā€™s the list of supported zone-scoped datasets and account-scoped datasets. Zone-scoped datasets like DNS logs are tied to a specific ā€œzoneā€ (a specific domain), while account-scoped datasets like worker logs are global to your account (workers donā€™t belong to a particular zone).

Writing the worker

The worker will need to decompress the gzipped body, split it into lines and send the individual logs to the Google Cloud Logging API.

Calling Google Cloud APIs from Cloudflare Workers is a bit of a challenge because the Node.js SDK is not compatible with the workers environment, so we need to reimplement the whole authentication process. But itā€™s a problem weā€™ve already solved in the past so it should be no big deal. šŸ˜Ž

First letā€™s start with the base of the worker, including decompressing the body:

export default {
  async fetch (request) {
    if (request.method !== 'POST') {
      return new Response('', { status: 405 })

    const ds = new DecompressionStream('gzip')
    const stream = request.body.pipeThrough(ds)
    const body = await new Response(stream).text()
    const logs = body.split('\n')

    for (const json of logs) {
      if (json.trim() === '') {

      const log = JSON.parse(json)


    return new Response()

To do that, we use the native DecompressionStream, that we can then convert to text with await new Response(stream).text().

Calling the Google Cloud Logging API

Now letā€™s see how we can call the Google Cloud Logging API. Again, we canā€™t use the Google Cloud Node.js SDK, so we need to call the REST API manually. Everything about authentication is explained in this post so I wonā€™t cover that again. Read that article to understand how to deal with Google Cloud API authentication from a Cloudflare worker!

When it comes to Google Cloud Logging specifically, youā€™ll need an aud of in your JWT. The rest of this post will assume you generated a token variable thanks to the aforementioned article.

In order to write logs, we need to call the entries:write endpoint.

const res = await fetch(
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
    body: JSON.stringify({
      entries: [
          logName: `projects/my-project-id/logs/my-log-id`,
          resource: {
            type: 'generic_node',
            labels: {
              // project_id: '...',
              // location: '...',
              // namespace: '...',
              // node_id: '...'
          // severity: 'DEFAULT',
          timestamp: '2024-05-05T17:38:47.512Z',
          jsonPayload: {
            foo: 'bar

Replace my-project-id by your project ID. my-log-id can be anything.

Here I chose to use a generic_node resource type, but thereā€™s quite a lot of other choices so feel free to use what makes the most sense to you.

The resource type that you chose will have a number of associated labels that you can feed. In this example I included the generic_node labels. project_id doesnā€™t really need to be set because it will be automatically populated from the project ID in your logName. The other ones are also optional. Put what makes the most sense for your data!

Thereā€™s a number of other fields you can set on each log entry in the entries array, but I kept it simple for this example.

You can for example tune the severity, e.g. to distinguish WARNING and ERROR logs appropriately.

Formatting Logpush logs to Google Cloud Logging entries

Letā€™s look in a bit more details at a worker log received from Logpush:

  "DispatchNamespace": "",
  "Entrypoint": "",
  "Event": {
    "RayID": "87ed87f80cf22d84",
    "Request": {
      "URL": "",
      "Method": "GET"
    "Response": {
      "Status": 200
  "EventTimestampMs": 1714878560011,
  "EventType": "fetch",
  "Exceptions": [],
  "Logs": [
      "Level": "log",
      "Message": [
      "TimestampMs": 1714878560016
  "Outcome": "ok",
  "ScriptName": "test",
  "ScriptTags": [],
  "ScriptVersion": {
    "ID": "1e7519b3-08e2-441d-ae10-7c8c6d3b7e17",
    "Message": "",
    "Tag": ""

And hereā€™s the associated docs.

As we can see, we get one entry per ā€œeventā€ which in this case, is a whole HTTP request completing.

Then for this particular HTTP request, weā€™ve got an array of Logs that the worker outputted during its runtime.

Note: interestingly, the above log ["bar", "foo"] was generated by:

console.log('foo', 'bar')

So it looks like the Message array is the reverse of the arguments order that was passed to console.log.

Weird, but OK.

From there, itā€™s up to you how you translate that to Google Cloud Logging entries. You could:

  1. Use the whole ā€œeventā€ as a single log entry and dig in the Logs property to see the actual logs. Then you could set the log severity based on the response status code, e.g. ERROR if the status is >=400.
  2. Store the HTTP request ā€œeventā€ without logs in a separate entry, then map the Logs array to individual log entries. Then you could map the Level property to a log severity and have more granularity that way.

For this post, Iā€™ll take the lazy approach and just shove the whole thing in the jsonPayload. šŸ˜„

Building off the worker base from earlier:

const entries = []

for (const json of logs) {
  if (json.trim() === '') {

  const log = JSON.parse(json)

    logName: `projects/my-project-id/logs/my-log-id`,
    resource: {
      type: 'generic_node',
      labels: {
        namespace: log.ScriptName
    severity: log.Event.Response.Status >= 400 ? 'ERROR' : 'DEFAULT',
    timestamp: new Date(log.EventTimestampMs).toISOString(),
    jsonPayload: log

Then as we saw before, we can push those entries to Google Cloud Logging:

const res = await fetch(
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
    body: JSON.stringify({

Make your workers use Logpush!

The final step is to enable Logpush on your workers. By default, even if you have Logpush destinations enabled, they wonā€™t be used unless explicitly enabled at the worker level as well.

You can do that from the UI in your worker page, in Logs > Event logs Workers Logpush. If you use the Wrangler CLI, make sure to also set logpush = true in your wrangler.toml!

Final thoughts

Getting your Cloudflare Workers logs onto Google Cloud Logging is not easy, and using a Cloudflare worker for the integration layer makes it even harder, but itā€™s also kinda cool if you ask me. šŸ˜

You should now have everything you need to implement that, from the details of using the Cloudflare API to create Logpush jobs and tune it in a way you canā€™t do from the UI, implementing a HTTP Logpush destination with gzip support, parsing the Logpush payload, all the way to translating it for Google Cloud Logging and push it using the raw HTTP API in an environment where the official SDK is not supported.

I hope you learnt a thing or two thanks to this post, and that your logs are being happily ingested now! šŸ«¶

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