Swift: NSMenuItem
title not showing
July 27, 2023
title not showingJuly 27, 2023
If for some reason you’re making a Swift app and want to programmatically define your menu items, as opposed to using Xcode’s storyboards to create them visually, you may run into an issue where your menu title is not showing.
Let’s consider the following example (e.g. put it in test.swift
run it with swift test.swift
import Cocoa
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
let app = NSApplication.shared
app.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)
let mainMenu = NSMenu()
app.mainMenu = mainMenu
let appMenu = NSMenuItem()
let editMenu = NSMenuItem(title: "Edit", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
let editSubmenu = NSMenu()
editSubmenu.addItem(withTitle: "Test", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
editMenu.submenu = editSubmenu
let app = NSApplication.shared
let delegate = AppDelegate()
app.delegate = delegate
When we run it, the edit menu doesn’t show. Or actually, it’s there but its text is blank!
This is because the NSMenuItem
title actually doesn’t matter here.
It’s the title of the NSMenu
that we use as a submenu that matters.
Let’s fix it up:
-let editMenu = NSMenuItem(title: "Edit", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+let editMenu = NSMenuItem(title: "Doesn't matter", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
-let editSubmenu = NSMenu()
+let editSubmenu = NSMenu(title: "Edit")
And now our title shows up properly!
In the example above, note that it was also important to explicitly add an app menu before our edit menu:
let appMenu = NSMenuItem()
This is important, because the first item of the main menu is gonna be treated as the app menu. If we didn’t do that, our edit menu would actually become the app menu, so that Test would appear under swift-frontend, and Edit would be nowhere to be seen.