Migrating .xmodmaprc to Wayland: remap arbitrary keys

April 5, 2022

I recently moved from X11 to Wayland, and one of my challenges that came with it was to find an alternative for my .xmodmaprc, that I used for two purposes:

  1. Invert the left Alt and Ctrl keys.
  2. Invert the behavior of the function keys, (to emulate Fn Lock which is not supported on my laptop).

Since xmodmap is a X11 thing, I needed to find a Wayland alternative to this.

It seems that the common answer is to directly modify the XKB database in /usr/share/X11/xkb, but according to this Stack Exchange post (referencing the XKB docs), we learn that we can customize XKB symbols in ~/.config/xkb/symbols/<name> and XKB rules in ~/.config/xkb/rules/evdev. Great.

Inverting Alt and Ctrl

This is something commonly done with xmodmap, and there’s very little documentation of alternative solutions, but I found this answer showing how to achieve that by modifying the XKB symbols in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl:

xkb_symbols "swap_ralt_rctl" {
    replace key <RALT> { [ Control_R, Control_R ] };
    replace key <RCTL> { [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };

Because I just learnt I could modify stuff in ~/.config/xkb/symbols instead, I added this code to ~/.config/xkb/symbols/ctrl.

Then in my Sway config (this will vary depending on your window manager or desktop environment), I enabled the ctrl:swap_ralt_rctl option for my keyboard:

input type:keyboard {
    xkb_options ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl

And this worked! But it shouldn’t have. I realized later (when adding another option with a different name) that it is required to also add a matching entry to the xkb/rules/evdev file. So why did it work?

It turns out that there was already a native XKB option with that exact name (in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl and /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev), and that’s why the name was recognized. And unsurprisingly, that native option does exactly what I want, so I could get rid of that ~/.config/xkb/symbols/ctrl file altogether and just use ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl in my Sway config. 😆

Emulating Fn Lock

Now on to the hardest part. My ~/.xmodmaprc used to look like this, essentially, mapping F5 to what Fn + F5 would do, and inversely, and so on for a number of function keys that I use.

keycode 71  = XF86MonBrightnessDown
keycode 232 = F5
keycode 72  = XF86MonBrightnessUp
keycode 233 = F6
keycode 73  = XF86ScreenSaver
keycode 160 = F7
keycode 76  = XF86AudioMute
keycode 121 = F10
keycode 95  = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 122 = F11
keycode 96  = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 123 = F12

With a bit of trial and error, and looking at the /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev file, I could figure what were the corresponding XKB keys for the codes above:

<FK01> = 67;
<FK02> = 68;
<FK03> = 69;
<FK04> = 70;
<FK05> = 71;
<FK06> = 72;
<FK07> = 73;
<FK08> = 74;
<FK09> = 75;
<FK10> = 76;
<FK11> = 95;
<FK12> = 96;
<MUTE> = 121;
<VOL-> = 122;
<VOL+> = 123;
alias <I121> = <MUTE>;	// #define KEY_MUTE                113
alias <I122> = <VOL->;	// #define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN          114
alias <I123> = <VOL+>;	// #define KEY_VOLUMEUP            115
<I160> = 160;		// #define KEY_COFFEE              152
<I232> = 232;		// #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN      224
<I233> = 233;		// #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP        225

Leading me to the write following ~/.config/xkb/symbols/ctrl:

partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "swap_fn_keys" {
    replace key <FK05> { [ XF86MonBrightnessDown ] };
    replace key <FK06> { [ XF86MonBrightnessUp ] };
    replace key <FK07> { [ XF86ScreenSaver ] };
    replace key <FK09> { [ XF86TouchpadToggle ] };
    replace key <FK10> { [ XF86AudioMute ] };
    replace key <FK11> { [ XF86AudioLowerVolume ] };
    replace key <FK12> { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] };
    replace key <I232> { [ F5 ] };
    replace key <I233> { [ F6 ] };
    replace key <I160> { [ F7 ] };
    replace key <I199> { [ F9 ] };
    replace key <I121> { [ F10 ] };
    replace key <I122> { [ F11 ] };
    replace key <I123> { [ F12 ] };

And this time because swap_fn_keys is a new entry, I did need to add it to ~/.config/xkb/rules/evdev. According to the XKB docs, this is done with the following pattern:

! option = symbols
  ctrl:swap_fn_keys = +ctrl(swap_fn_keys)

! include %S/evdev

And I can finally include it to my Sway keyboard options:

input type:keyboard {
    xkb_options ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl,ctrl:swap_fn_keys

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