graftcp: inspect any program’s HTTPS traffic through a proxy!

April 30, 2022

Recently, I needed to sniff an app’s HTTPS traffic.

While sniffing plaintext HTTP traffic is easy, by targeting the transport layer with tools like tcpdump(8) or Wireshark, HTTPS is another beast.

Because of the TLS encryption, all we see at the transport layer is a bunch of unusable encrypted data (and that’s the whole point of HTTPS). So we need to resort to solutions at a higher layer in the stack.

My go-to for this kind of task is mitmproxy, an interactive HTTPS proxy, as well as its headless counterpart mitmdump.

But those are only half of the solution. A proxy server is useless until we route HTTPS traffic through it. And depending on the context, this task can go from pretty trivial to quite tricky.

Common ways to configure a proxy

There’s 3 main ways that you can use to configure a proxy:

  1. the OS level,
  2. the application level,
  3. the environment level.

I already gave an introduction to mitmproxy last year on the blog, in which I explored the OS level and the app level, but I’ll give a quick refresher here.

The OS level

Your OS usually lets you configure a proxy in the networking settings. For example on macOS it’s in the advanced network preferences, and on Android it’s in the advanced Wi-Fi settings.

It’s a good way to globally configure a proxy, but there’s no guarantee that apps are going to respect it. Typically, the default browser that ships with the OS (e.g. Safari) will use it, and some third-party browsers might too, but in general most other apps just ignore it. Not so good.

The application level

While most apps don’t respect OS-level proxy configuration, some can provide you with a way to configure a proxy at their own level.

Typically this will be Firefox’s connection settings, with its very own proxy configuration, Spotify’s advanced settings that let you configure a proxy, or more recently I’ve explored the --proxy_hostname argument to the osqueryd program.

But it’s up to the app’s developers to decide if they want or not to let you configure a proxy, and how rigorously they use it… (they might use the proxy for some requests but not all of them).

The environment level

Finally, there are two pretty commonly used environment variables (although I believe not standard per se) to configure a proxy: http_proxy and https_proxy. They respectively configure a proxy to route HTTP and HTTPS traffic through.

For example the Python language supports those in its native urllib package, and while Node.js doesn’t, the popular axios library also supports them out of the box.

So basically, it might or might not work depending on the implementation of the software that you’re using, but it’s definitely worth trying!

When nothing works: the hacker way

So far all we’ve done is configuring a proxy in interfaces that explicitly allow us to set a proxy. But sometimes this is just not enough. That’s when we resort to ways to configure a proxy in places that don’t explicitly let us do so. 😏

There’s two ways to do this. The most common one is to leverage LD_PRELOAD with dynamically linked binaries to override symbols in a library. This is the approach that tsocks(1), ProxyChains and ProxyChains-NG use, hijacking the connect(2) libc function to route requests through the proxy of your choice.

This is a great method when using programs that are dynamically linked against libc, but it will fail for statically liked programs, as well as programs that don’t use libc (Go programs for example).

This is where graftcp shines. Instead of hooking at the libc level, it leverages ptrace(2) to modify the connect(3) syscall arguments! Essentially, it’s acting at a lower level and that’s how it’s able to proxy against statically liked programs that don’t use libc. Their detailed how does it work explanation is really worth a read.


git clone
cd graftcp


From there, you can use local/graftcp-local to start the graftcp server, and configure it to use your proxy (for example mitmproxy starts a HTTP proxy on port 8080 by default). Because graftcp also defaults to a SOCKS5 proxy on localhost:1080, we need to force it to use the HTTP proxy we configured by using --select_proxy_mode only_http_proxy:

local/graftcp-local --http_proxy localhost:8080 --select_proxy_mode only_http_proxy

We can do the same thing by “emptying” the preconfigured SOCKS5 proxy:

local/graftcp-local --http_proxy localhost:8080 --socks5 ''

Or we can instead run mitmproxy as a SOCKS5 proxy, here on port 1080 (the default for graftcp):

mitmproxy --mode socks5 -p 1080

Then we can run local/graftcp-local without arguments and it’ll just work.

Either way, once the proxy and local/graftcp-local program is started, we can prefix any command with ./graftcp to force it to run its network calls through the proxy!

./graftcp curl

Dealing with certificates

However, this should complain that the SSL certificate from mitmproxy is untrusted. We can make it go through by appending -k (--insecure) to the curl command:

./graftcp curl --insecure

A better solution though would be to add the mitmproxy CA certificate found in ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem to the system trusted certificates. This will vary depending on your OS and distribution, but in my case that would be done with:

sudo trust anchor ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem

Then the curl command should work without --insecure!

Short version

Finally, if you don’t want to bother running local/graftcp-local and ./graftcp separately, you can instead use local/mgraftcp. If you still use the SOCKS5 proxy on port 1080:

local/mgraftcp curl

Or with a HTTP proxy on port 8080:

local/mgraftcp --http_proxy localhost:8080 --select_proxy_mode only_http_proxy curl

This is useful if you only want to use graftcp for a single command, or don’t mind configure the proxy settings every single time. Otherwise the graftcp server method with local/graftcp-local works better as you only have to configure your proxy once and any call to ./graftcp will use it!


graftcp is a really powerful tool that allows you to redirect HTTPS traffic through a proxy of your choice, even in situations where this wouldn’t be allowed or planned for.

Because I love inspecting programs’ network traffic to know how they work, and it’s not always easy to get access to their requests logs, graftcp is now a go-to of mine for this kind of task, as it’s proven to work flawlessly and very reliably, even with statically linked binaries and programs that don’t link against libc like it’s the case with Go!

I hope you learnt something with this post, and I wish you a happy network sniffing. 🤘

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