JSDoc: TypeScript inside JavaScript and not the other way around 🤯

October 17, 2021

This post is inspired by this great Speakeasy JS talk by Austin Gil. 💯

Even though I was familiar with the concept of type checking JS files with TypeScript through JSDoc, I’ve always seen it as a way to transition to TypeScript. You would progressively add TypeScript-compatible JSDoc to an existing JavaScript project until everything is covered, to ultimately transition to the actual TypeScript syntax.

But it never crossed my mind to use TypeScript with JSDoc as an end goal. Until I saw that talk.

The problem with compiled JavaScript

The main reason I don’t use TypeScript is not because of TypeScript itself (even though there’s a lot to say here). It’s because I don’t like to compile my JavaScript in the first place, at least not when it’s intended for Node.js.

It’s the same reason I don’t use Flow, Elm, Dart, Babel or CoffeeScript.

JavaScript being an interpreted language, it naturally comes with the ability to directly run your code. This is an incredibly convenient thing.

That’s a lot of time saved right there by not having to maintain custom configurations on all the tools and services you use, on top of the fact you need to install, configure, update and maintain a number of extra tools, pipelines, workflows, which you’ll also need to teach to everybody who’s going to work with you because we all do those things a little bit differently.

Now, there are benefits to invest in this extra work, so if the cost of compiling your JavaScript is worth it for you, or you just enjoy the process, that’s fine! As far as I’m concerned, I don’t enjoy a single bit of it.

Separate type definitions hell 🔥

Static types are useful and there’s no argument that having type checking is generally a beneficial thing. For that reason, more and more people want types with the libraries they’re going to use.

I maintain quite a few open-source JavaScript libraries, and on the most popular ones, people have requested (or better, contributed) TypeScript definitions, whether it’s directly in the package repository or on Definitely Typed.

While this comes from a good intention, it causes a number of issues for everybody involved:

As a maintainer, what can I do?

I don’t like any of those choices. Luckily, most of my projects are small enough that the types don’t represent a lot of extra work, plus everybody seems to be happy with type definitions covering only the happy path which is usually a small subset of the codebase.

So for now I just merge the PRs and let TypeScript users contribute improvements and bug fixes over time as they need them. It seems that they’re used to having things partially broken all the time and they prefer to have inaccurate or incomplete types than no types.

Having the best of both worlds

Out of sympathy for those users (I truly think they deserve something better), and also because I do believe in the benefits of static typing (as much as I hate compiling an interpreted language), I decided to start my latest JavaScript library with TypeScript definitions in mind from the start.

Thanks to the talk I shared in the beginning of this post, I decided to write my JSDoc comments in a way that the TypeScript compiler can consume. Here’s a few examples:

const crypto = require('crypto')
const base = require('./oauth-base')

 * @typedef {Object} SyncOAuthChallengeImpl
 * @property {crypto.KeyPairKeyObjectResult} keyPair
 * @typedef {base.OAuthChallenge & SyncOAuthChallengeImpl} SyncOAuthChallenge

 * @param {SyncOAuthChallenge} challenge
 * @param {base.OAuthResult} result
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {string} [options.clientId] - OAuth client ID.
 * @param {string} [options.scope] - OAuth scope.
 * @param {string} [options.tokenEndpoint] - OAuth token endpoint.
 * @param {string} [options.tokenServerUrl] - TokenServer URL.
 * @returns {Promise<import('../types').SyncCredentials>}
async function complete (challenge, result, options) {
  // Actual code.

module.exports = { complete }
 * @typedef {Object} SyncOptions
 * @property {string} [authServerUrl]
 * @property {string} [authorizationUrl]
 * @property {string} [tokenEndpoint]
 * @property {string} [tokenServerUrl]
 * @property {import('./auth/oauth-base').OAuthOptions} [oauthOptions]
 * @typedef {Object} OAuthToken
 * @property {string} access_token
 * @property {string} scope
 * @property {number} expires_in
 * @typedef {Object} SyncToken
 * @property {string} id
 * @property {string} key
 * @typedef {Object} SyncKeyBundle
 * @property {string} encryptionKey
 * @property {string} hmacKey
 * @property {string} kid
 * @typedef {Object} SyncCredentials
 * @property {OAuthToken} oauthToken - The OAuth token required to authenticate to the TokenServer.
 * @property {SyncKeyBundle} syncKeyBundle - The Sync key bundle required to decrypt the collection keys.
 * @property {SyncToken} token - The token object required to call the Firefox Sync API.
 * @property {number} tokenIssuedAt - Timestamp in milliseconds of when the token was issued to preemptively refresh it.

// Does nothing but required for TypeScript to import this file.
module.exports = {}

Because I was writing that library from scratch and not adding types to an existing project, this came at a lower cost, and yielded two major benefits:

Since the .d.ts files are automatically generated as opposed to being manually maintained, this drastically reduces the chance for them to go out of sync or be inaccurate, especially because the code itself is also type checked (this is important because TypeScript will otherwise happily generate totally broken type definitions from JSDoc comments that don’t pass type checking).

Also for that same reason, if the types were to be incomplete (there’s still a number of any in this project, I admit), contributors will have to add them as JSDoc comments to the JavaScript source and not just to a “dead” .d.ts file, making the code safer as a side effect by increasing the actual type checking coverage, and guaranteeing that the exported types match the underlying implementation. Not only this tests code against the types, but as importantly, it tests the types against the code.

Why this works best for me

With this pattern, I can still write, run and debug native JavaScript code.

This is what makes me efficient at what I’m doing. My development is not slowed down by constantly running a compiler, dealing with the extra complexity that comes with debugging transpiled code, and time spent fixing type errors on non-production code.

When I write a piece of code, it’s rarely going to be perfect, production quality code from the start. It takes me dozens of iterations and rewriting pieces of it until I reach a point where I’m satisfied. Only when I’m done I’ll clean up and refactor whatever parts need extra love, handle the edge cases, and make the linter happy. This is when, and only when, I want to run the type checks. There’s no point in having blocking type checks on code that I’ll rewrite or remove a minute later.

Note: this last point is a problem that I had specifically with the ts-node utility, but tsc itself is more forgiving and will output a runnable JS code even when there’s type errors.

Also while writing this section, I stumbled upon ts-node --transpile-only that allows running the code even if it doesn’t pass type validation, which seems like a must-have during development. I’m kinda sour that it took me a 4 months post-burnout retirement kind of step back to finally find about it, after fighting with this problem for years. 😬

The chicken and egg problem between .js and .d.ts

I didn’t share the commands I use to do the type checking and derive the .d.ts files from the JSDoc comments yet, and you’re probably dying to know them. 😉

But first, I need to share something else with you. See, I usually have this kind of structure for packages I publish on npm:

├── index.js
├── package.json
└── test.js

It seems that the natural way to extract type definitions would be:

tsc *.js --allowJs --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly

Which yields:

├── index.d.ts
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── test.d.ts
└── test.js

You’ll quickly notice that there’s something funky with this method of doing things.

But guess what? test.js imports index.js (so that it can, you know, test it).

The problem here is that while this command will run fine the first time, subsequent runs will fail because TypeScript will always consider a .d.ts that is next to an included .js file to be part of its inputs and will refuse to overwrite it. And even if it allowed to overwrite the declaration files, we would still be loading the stale .d.ts instead of using the up-to-date JSDoc types, which sounds like a hot mess.

You might tell me that hey, we don’t really need a .d.ts to be generated for the test file, and you would be right. Replacing *.js by index.js in the above example does fix the problem.

But sometimes, I’m dealing with a more complex package where the structure would look something like this:

├── index.js
├── package.json
├── some-other-file.js
└── test.js

As soon as index.js imports some-other-file.js, we’re off the happy path for TypeScript again.

I wrote about this in more details in cannot write file .d.ts because it would overwrite input file, and you have many options to go about this, including splitting the code in a src or dist directory or some combination of both, and while they all solve this particular problem, they also all leak into other aspects that you’ll have to work around.

For example in the “complex” case above, you might want to allow your users to import 'my-cool-package/some-other-file', and not just import 'my-cool-package'. How wild would that be?

Apparently, wild enough that most of the recommended solutions for the earlier problem will fail to deliver types information for that use case, or require you to do crazy things like copying your package.json to the dist directory and publishing from there.

The simple hack that just works

Because I prefer a simple hack that just works to a fix that will break other things and require a cascade of other fixes, I settled for the following command:

rm -f *.d.ts && tsc *.js --allowJs --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly

It’s simple, reliable, it works and I understand every bit of why it works and why it needs to be there (as much as I hate that it needs to be there in the first place).

I also added --removeComments and replaced --allowJs by --checkJs to make sure that the code passes type checking when I generate the final definitions.

In my package.json, the final scripts property looks like this:

  "scripts": {
    "check": "tsc *.js --checkJs --noEmit",
    "lint": "standard",
    "prepare": "npm run lint && npm run types",
    "types": "rm *.d.ts && tsc *.js --checkJs --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --removeComments"

As always, I use standard to lint my code, and in the prepare script, the code is linted, typed checked and the definitions are updated.

There’s also a convenience check script that doesn’t emits the declaration files, to be used for quick checks during development.


As usual with TypeScript it was a pain in the ass to get this to work and (also as usual) I had to resort to a hack at the end of the day. But that’s mostly because I’m a perfectionist and I wasn’t happy with having just the happy path working. 😜

Still, I believe that this method allows to reduce the gap between TypeScript and JavaScript, while getting rid of manual work, making the JavaScript code safer, and making the type definitions more accurate and reliable by tightly coupling them to the code.

Because it yields most of the benefit at the lowest cost and initial investment, TypeScript-aware JSDoc comments is likely to become my go-to for writing JS libraries from now on.

What do you think of this solution? Have you used it yourself, or did this make you want to type your projects this way? Feel free to reach out and let me know. And as usual, keep hacking! ✨

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